Student Finance England: Additional finances

Student Finance England offers a range of additional finances to help students cover the cost of their education. These include grants, bursaries, scholarships, and other financial support. These additional finances are designed to support students from a range of backgrounds and help make higher education more accessible.

Additional finances

Student Finance England offers a range of additional finances to help students cover the cost of their education. These include grants, bursaries, scholarships, and other financial support. These additional finances are designed to support students from a range of backgrounds and help make higher education more accessible.


Grants are a type of financial support that doesn't need to be repaid. Student Finance England offers several grants to eligible students, including the Maintenance Grant and Special Support Grant. The Maintenance Grant is designed to help students with living costs, such as accommodation, food, and travel. The amount of the grant depends on factors such as household income and where the student is studying. The Special Support Grant is available to students who receive certain means-tested benefits, such as Income Support or Universal Credit.


Bursaries are another type of financial support that doesn't need to be repaid. They are typically offered by universities or other educational institutions to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Eligibility criteria for bursaries vary depending on the institution, but they may be based on factors such as household income, educational background, or location.

Other Financial Support

In addition to grants, bursaries, and scholarships, Student Finance England also offers other financial support to eligible students. This includes:

Disabled Students' Allowances: This is available to students with a disability or long-term health condition to help cover the cost of additional support they may need, such as specialist equipment or support workers.

Childcare Grant: This is available to students who have dependent children and need help covering the cost of childcare while they are studying.

Adult Dependants' Grant: This is available to students who have an adult dependent, such as a spouse or partner, who relies on them financially.

Travel Grant: This is available to students who need to travel to and from their place of study and need help covering the cost of travel.


Student Finance England offers a range of additional finances to help students cover the cost of their education. These include grants, bursaries, scholarships, and other financial support. Eligibility criteria for these additional finances vary depending on the type of support and the provider, but they are designed to support students from a range of backgrounds and make higher education more accessible. If you're unsure about what financial support is available to you, you can check with your university or contact Student Finance England for guidance.

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